Too Good Not To Share

One of our favorite Bloggers and Pattern Designers has the funniest post and it's just too good not to share.
We think the pic says it all but, for the full scoop on how she quilted herself into her quilt click on the link below.
I mean really, who among us hasn't done this?? CLUCK CLUCK SEW

Real Women Use A Ham

Here's a pressing issue.... Why is the pressing ham so unattractive?

I mean really are they trying to keep costs down by using material found in an abandon Scottish castle? Muslin and Tartan are soooooo 1523!

That being said --
We sell this ham at Bernina NW
 Bernina lovers this is a call for action, we need right this wrong.

As I see it we have 2 options.

Option One -- Make your own pressing ham in pretty fabric using tutorial on No Big Dill's Blog. tailors-ham-tutorial


Option Two -- We start an email campaign to Dritz demanding fashion forward colors and patterns. We insist sales will increase if we're not limited to plaid and boring. We should demand an better ham for better living. Darn it, it's our right as an American! Let freedom from ugly hams ring!

What do you think Bernina Lovers -- Are you with me?

Okay that being said -- Gloria has a class Sunday May 15th @3pm called Pressing Issues (no it's not about our issue with ugly hams - it's about how to use the darn thing) I'm sure you all want to come so please, be nice if you call (206-523-4739) and sign-up and the class is full. Don't worry we'll schedule more.

Odette Ueltshi -- Mother of Bernina

Happy Mother's Day Odette Ueltshi.
Although you are no longer with us, your legacy lives on & we thank you for changing the way we sew.

 Those who where blessed to meet this amazing woman say she was gracious, charming and simply incredible. Actually, they can't say enough good things about her and once they get going -it's hard to stop.

If you love your Bernina knee lift, your Bernina 830 (old), stretch stitches, and a computerized sewing machine.

Please take a moment today, on Mother's Day, to send out a big thank you to the universe for Odette Ueltshi!

Spring Love

Walking foot and #10 Edge Stitch Foot Sitting in a Tree...

K. I. S. S. I. N. G.....

First Comes Love....
Then Comes Marriage...

Then Comes a Walking Foot With Center Guide.

Perfect Stitch In The Ditch is Now Possible.
Everything you love About The #10 edge stitch foot is now available as a Sole for The Walking Foot.

Daddy Bernina.... I want it now!!!!

Veruca Salt

Daddy.... I want a sew table like the Bernina 3-Series for my Aurora 450 and I WANT IT NOW!!!!
Umpa Lumpa's Take this sew table down to the taffy pulling room and don't stop pulling until the sew table fits an Aurora 450! 

TA-Dah!!!! Thank you Vercua Salt. The Aurora 450 now comes with a new style sew table!

Hey -- Wanna Hear a Secret??

Okay -- get closer to your computer.

I don't want everyone to find out about this....
I just heard from a friend of mine and couldn't wait to tell you.....

Bernina is going to have a financing special on May 12th.
It's 24 months -- no interest, equal payment on Bernina's over $1,000.

Yea - I can't believe it either.
You know what this means?
You can get a Bernina 350 for $50 a month or a Bernina 440 (with stitch regulator) for about $130 a month.
And don't get me started about sergers...
Okay I'm started , an 1150mda for $50 a month and a 1300mdc for about $75
Does it get any better?? I think not!

okay - I wasn't going to reveal my source but, I can tell you don't believe me.
The friend who told me is Barb L. and she works for Bernina. So it's a for sure thing.

The Family Portraits Have Been Hung

You know it just doesn't feel like home until you hang the family portraits. Thankfully Mark with his tall ladder and steady hand on the power drill came by and hung family history.

Don't they look so beautiful going up the stairs?

Great Great Grandpa from 1894 is on top, Great Grandma Bernina from 1932 in middle, and Great Uncle Bernina from 1944 is at the end.

 I truly LOVE these pictures. I think they date back to Nelson's Bernina (Bernina Dealership in the '70's). And it's been one of those things that is handed down from Seattle Bernina dealership to Seattle Bernina Dealership.

It's sad but true -- If my store (god forbid) caught on fire and I had to choose one thing to save -- I would rescue these pictures. Then fill out insurance forms for the rest of the stuff. No judgement! Ha ha.

Did Somebody Say Makeover?

What do you think about when you hear the words home makeover??

Ty Pennington? America Home Makeover?

Nate Berkus? HGTV Fame?

Well, you know what WE, at BerninaNW think about -- Sewing Room Makeover!!!     
FREE and FROM BERNINA USA!        Does it get any better?

And all you have to do is upload a pic of your trashed out cluttered sewing room/workspace for the world to see to onto BERNINA USA's FB page. (First ya gotta like them)

Step 1. Upload your disaster area  center for creativity.
Step 2. Share your sewing shame room with others -- collect votes like crazy

Step. 3 The TEN entries with the most votes will be judged by a panel of BERNINA experts to determine the winner. But don't worry, only your space will be judged -- not you!

Here's a link -,pp_210393672318897 Enter, Share, Win!

We're Back in Blog Land!

Hello Everyone,

Sorry it's been sooooo long! We've been really busy. I know, no excuse... but really we've got good reason.

We moved the store. No really.... We moved from
540 NE Northgate Way Suite D
540 NE Northgate Way Suite C.

You'd think a move down 5 steps wouldn't consume everything... but it does.

Here's some pics of the new place... Since everyday we're getting more product in and filling the space these pictures I took on Thursday are already out dated!

We LOVE it! Let's celebrate! This coming Wednesday May 4th 4-6. We're gonna have cake....
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