You know it just doesn't feel like home until you hang the family portraits. Thankfully Mark with his tall ladder and steady hand on the power drill came by and hung family history.

Don't they look so beautiful going up the stairs?

Great Great Grandpa from 1894 is on top, Great Grandma Bernina from 1932 in middle, and Great Uncle Bernina from 1944 is at the end.

 I truly LOVE these pictures. I think they date back to Nelson's Bernina (Bernina Dealership in the '70's). And it's been one of those things that is handed down from Seattle Bernina dealership to Seattle Bernina Dealership.

It's sad but true -- If my store (god forbid) caught on fire and I had to choose one thing to save -- I would rescue these pictures. Then fill out insurance forms for the rest of the stuff. No judgement! Ha ha.