The story you are about to read is true.  No names have been changed, because no one was innocent.

At approximately 1pm on September 27, 2010, a pigeon of unknown origin descended upon Bernina Northwest's flagship store with a raging fury.  The suspect flew through the doorway pictured below:

The Point of Entry

At 1:00:30pm, the suspect and both Bernina Northwest employees working at the time, engaged in a panicked frenzy.  One employee (Deb) hid in this closet:
The Crawlspace in Which Deb Hid from the Suspect
 The other employee (Casey) was forced to advance on the suspect in an attempt to force him from the store.  The suspect then proceed to bash into the windows repeatedly, and in doing so reportedly unthreaded a Bernina brand 800DL Serger.  After coming into contact with the northwest window of the store (pictured below) for the last time, the suspect calmed enough to be escorted out the way he came in.

Window Pain (heh)

Neither Deb nor Casey sustained any injuries.  The suspect is still at large.